Welcome to the island of Saint-Barthélemy, located in the north of the Lesser Antilles and a territory of incredible wealth in environmental and economic terms. High-end island with its prestigious restaurant, shopping and other services…. It is also an incredible cradle of biodiversity for fauna and flora.

You will also be amazed by its many beaches, its landscapes of hills (mornes) whose highest point is Morne de Vitet (286 m). Hiking and nautical activities await you to make the most of your stay.

You can escape to a beach or choose to enjoy the luxury shops and restaurants, a good compromise that only the island of Saint-Barthélemy has the secret.

Let’s go and discover these white sand beaches.


To reach the beach, from the airport, head west of the island by taking the D209 then D210. The beach is located less than 10 minutes from the airport following the direction of Anse des Flamands at the intersection between these two departmental roads.

Arrived near the cove, continue along the seaside and after a few minutes you will come to a dead end with a roundabout.

You can consider parking nearby without getting in the way or continuing somewhat to the houses further away (starting point of the hike to Anse Colombier from Anse des Flamands).

There are very few places available, plan to obstruct traffic as little as possible even if it means turning around. However, it is a small cove hence its name and there are plenty of other beaches nearby.

Little Anse

Information panel with its beach ashtrays

Petite Anse Beach is a small cove of white sand located in the northwest of the island. This beach will offer you an intimate beach where the setting will also charm you. The waters are calm and places are quickly taken.

View from the top of the cove

Access to the beach is easily via a path and then a staircase.

L’Anse is not shaded and you will need a parasol. Beware of the harmful effects of the sun.

Click on this link to have a first video preview of the beach on our Facebook page.

It’s up to you to discover it now !

En termes de conseils,

Ø  Circulation sur lîle de Saint-Barthélemy : L’île n’est pas très grande et vous n’aurez pas de soucis de circulation. Toutefois, soyez vigilants aux routes étroites et virages en montées et descentes, certaines routes dans les cols peuvent être plus délicates. Ne vous précipitez pas, vous êtes en vacances !

Ø  Equipements : Claquettes, Maillot de bain, serviette, sac de plage (couteau, k-way, casquette, lunette de soleil, crème solaire, produit anti-moustique).

Ø  Santé :

–          Qualité de la zone de baignadeExcellent (Source : Ministère de la santé, voir carte) ;

–          Accessibilité : Facilement en voiture, accès handicapé moteur non faisable en chaise roulante ;

–         Crème solaire obligatoire car la plage est bien exposée au soleil, pensez même aux lycras pour enfants et adultes ;

–          Le plus important, toujours une bouteille d’eau par personne et quelque chose à grignoter dans son sac.

Divers : vous pouvez vous baigner sur les nombreuses autres plages de l’île, La Plage du Gouverneur, la Baie de Saint-Jean, l’Anse des Flamands Pour les plus aventuriers, vous pouvez effectuer des randonnées avec l’aide d’un guide (voir le choix et lien dans notre page de Saint-Barthélémy). Toutefois, vous pouvez rejoindre l’Anse du Grand Colombier au départ de cette anse sans l’aide d’un guide.

In terms of advice,

Ø Traffic on the island of Saint-Barthélemy: The island is not very big and you will not have traffic problems. However, be careful with narrow roads and uphill and downhill bends, some roads in the passes can be more delicate. Don’t rush, you’re on vacation!

Ø Equipment: Slides, swimsuit, towel, beach bag (knife, k-way, cap, sunglasses, sunscreen, mosquito repellent).

Ø Health:

Quality of bathing area: Excellent (Source: Ministry of Health, see map);

Accessibility: Easily by car, disabled motor access not feasible in a wheelchair;

Mandatory sunscreen because the beach is well exposed to the sun, even think of lycras for children and adults;

Most important, always a bottle of water per person and something to snack in your bag.


Miscellaneous: you can swim on the many other beaches on the island, La Plage du Gouverneur, Baie de Saint-Jean, Anse des Flamands For the more adventurous, you can hike with the help of a guide (see the choice and link in our Saint-Barthélémy page). However, you can reach Anse du Grand Colombier from this cove without the help of a guide.

Do not hesitate to post you commentaries or to ask for information on contact@domloisirsetculture.fr.

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Dom Loisirs et Culture at your service.

OLIVIER Damien, your humble guide

The Dom Loisirs and Culture team is committed to raising awareness of the protection of the biodiversity of the overseas departments.


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